
Friday, March 16, 2012


So I woke up with a slight headache this morning that soon turned into a full blown migraine. I hadn't had one that bad in a long time. Unfortunately Hubs went to the VA all day so he was gone. My mom comes over once a week to tidy up (I'm not a slob, but she cleans way better than I) and today was her day. The baby slept for two hours and do did I but even the nap did not touch the headache

Hubs called after his appointment and offered to bring me home some Excedrine Migraine and a Starbucks. The coffee drink is actually in the freezer because I about puked drinking it. I love those things so that's a testament on how sick I was.

Finally I am starting to feel a little better. My earlier blog post was about how Hubs wasn't involved but I tell you when it really matters he steps up. He has been out there handling the kids and he took care of me. He does care in his own way.

Thank you migraine, for reminding me.

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