This summer has been busy, busy, busy. After I decided to ixnay the whole Social Work degree thing, I started teaching a self-contained life skills class this summer. I was approached to do it by an administrator in the district to do it since she knew I had a teaching license in that area. It sounded okay to me, half days for four weeks and there were four aides and another teacher in there with me.
Holy cow, it's not easy! Even with two teachers, it's so time consuming. It makes me wonder if I'd ever want to teach a self contained class again. I love the kids, but being together that long, whew! Today I went with one student to an outside class because his aide that goes was sick. It was a sports class where all they do is play field games. I couldn't help but think to myself that this was grossly unfair. This teacher gets paid the same amount I do, and she plays kickball everyday while I'm running around making copies, planning full blown lessons.....jeez.
But I still like it a lot. I'm still committed to making teaching my career and not treating it like a passing job. There were two open positions that opened up for a special education teacher so I applied. I don't technically have my cross-cat license here, even though I've taught it in the state. I was just so happy to get an interview! I thought it went really, really well and I still think that even though I got an email today saying that they're going with other candidates.
I am not too upset. I emailed back asking for feedback because I figure I can use their advise in the future for interviews. I'm thinking it's because of the license snafu, but I'm happy to continue to work for the district as a para, especially while I'm back in school. No worries!
I feel like this blog doesn't really fit me anymore. I started it as a way to vent about my problems and struggles with my husband's PTSD. I'm happy to report that we're finally in a good place and that the good place has lasted now for awhile. I still think my hospitalization back in March really helped our marriage by making us realize how much we rely and appreciate each other. However, i'm thinking I'm going to change this blog soon, or maybe move to another blog altogether.
Changes coming soon!
I left a comment on your opening post, but I wanted to share it here too just in case:
I came across your blog, and you have a truly touching story. You have such a great outlook on life even with the many challenges that you and your family have been through as a result of your husband's TBI and PTSD. I wanted to reach out to you and see if you might be open to sharing your story as a personal essay.
My name is Brooke Gushen, and I am a project coordinator for, a website created to offer a wealth of information about preventing, treating, and living with a military traumatic brain injury.
One of our most valuable features of sister site (for civilians) is our collection of Personal Stories. Here, caregivers, family members, and individuals with brain injury have shared their own experiences, and through these stories, our readers have written comments and thank yous saying that for the first time they feel a sense in validation and feeling like they aren't alone.
On BrainLine Military, we recently launched a new section on TBI and PTSD (, and I thought that your story of your journey with TBI and PTSD would be an invaluable resource to many military spouses and caregivers. Would you be interested in sharing your story?
Please email me back: