
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snowed In = Cabin Fever!

Like the majority of the Continental United States, my state has been slammed with sub arctic temperatures thanks to that whole Polar Vortex thing going on.  We found out late Friday afternoon that school was canceled for Monday and let me tell you, I was THRILLED!  A 3 day weekend?  Yes, please!

Of course, the temps outside made it impossible to play in the snow.  Friday night Hubby actually volunteered the idea of us all going to a fish fry.  I was stunned since he hardly ever wants to go out in public.  However, by the time dinner time rolled around, the temperature was already pretty brisk so we decided to stay in.  Sunday we trekked the 20 feet across the backyard to our neighbors house to watch the Packers/49ers game.  Let's just say, as a Bears fan, I was quite happy with the result.  Hubs took the loss pretty well too, considering he bleeds green and gold.  After the game we ended up playing Apple to Apples with the neighbors and just enjoying the company.  We don't socialize much, so it was really nice to just be with other adults!

Yesterday it sure was COLD.  Cold doesn't even seem to adequately describe the weather outside.  I mean, seriously, waking up to -50 degrees with the windchill is crazy.  I ran out once and grabbed up some snow and made the kids ice cream with it.  I've never done that, but it was pretty good.  I think I was more into it than the kids but oh well.  It was still fun and I kept the kids pretty active all day.

Today is another story.  Cabin fever seems to be setting in here.  The roads are clear so I could go run errands but it's still wicked cold out and I really have no desire to go out in it.  Hubs has been out a few times to run and get things but he even says its cold and that man wears flip flops in winter and doesn't believe in coats.  He went and got the new Xbox.  We aren't gamers really, but I've been really happy to have it the last few days.  The kids are into Just Dance and Hubs and I are bonding over racing games and Battlefield. 

Our daughter and I go back to school/work tomorrow.  I'll be glad to get out!  I've really enjoyed being home for my husband though.  This time off reiterates how much I want to be able to stay home with him, but momma got bills! 

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