
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

I have a guilty pleasure.   It's called Grey's Anatomy.

I won't pretend that there aren't times that the damn show pissed me off.  I mean, how many tragedies can one hospital go through?  But, there's something great about curling up in my lazy boy, my warm footie socks on, watching Grey's.    Not sure what it is but I like it.

My other guilty pleasure is driving through McDonalds at least once a day and ordering a large Coke.  Thank God for drive throughs.  I have a bit of a caffeine addiction and if I work it right, the Coke lasts mosts of the day.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Can't sleep

I hate insomnia.

Here it is, 12:45am and I'm awake.  I'm not even a little sleepy.   Well, okay.....maybe a tad tired, but not much!  I don't know why, but it gets to be late at night and I end up being up.

I'm thinking it's because everyone is asleep, and I can finally think about stuff without being interrupted by little ones who want hugs, or milk, or a DSI plugged in, or husbands who don't know where their stuff is.....Yup, at night it's just me and the cat.

I used to love staying up late.  I got a lot of stuff done and then I could sleep in and be fine.  Those days are gone, however.  I kind of got by when my daughter was a baby.  Hubs was deployed and I wasn't working so it was awesome:  Stay up late and then in the morning lay comatose on the couch while she and I watched tv.  Then, after mommy recouped, we'd go to a mommy and me group or baby-mommy swim lessons.  However, now it's a completely different story.

For starters, now I have to get my daughter up and at 'em for school.  This is not an easy task.  She's very pokey in the morning and I gotta say I don't help because I hit Snooze a few too many times.  She gets on the bus a little before 8am and I would LOVE to go back to sleep at that point, but about the time I heard the bus drive away, I start to hear my son wake up in his crib.


I love it, believe me.  I wish I could snuggle with him like I did with her.  Lay there in our pj's and watch The View or Good Morning America.  However, morning time is rushed around here.  I try and get him fed, and then I go through like a freak trying to get as much done as possible before I head off to work.  Then, once i'm home at night, then it's hurry hurry to get dinner made, cleaned up, baths, homework.....the anthem of mothers everywhere.

I'm the first one up and the last one to sleep.  I think this burning the candle at both ends is going to catch up to me.  Maybe this weekend I'll try to go to bed early.  Yeah right!

Friday, November 9, 2012

where to go with this?

I like blogging but I'm facing an identity crisis with this one.    I started the blog as a way to vent my frustrations with my husband's PTSD.    Eventually my bitching became annoying to me, not to mention depressing.  So, I switched it up and tried to throw in some lighter stuff......

But do I want to put the lighter stuff in here?  Hmmmm?   Part of me wants to blog about other things, PTSD is a huge part of my life, but it isn't my entire life (although sometimes I feel that way).  But on the other hand, it's a blog where people can go to for advice or to just read about PTSD to educate themselves or to realize that they aren't alone.

Ug.  What to do, what to do?

If anyone out there reads my blog, please let me know.  Let me know what you want out of it.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Can't we all just get along?

Election Night 2012 is history now.  Thank God all the political tv ads, mailings, and yard signs are now gone.  Well.....the yard signs remain but it's been raining all day today and quite a few I've noticed are getting quite soggy and run down-looking.  Hopefully most, if not all, will end up in tomorrow's garbage.

I'm not holding my breathe that the Grand Ole Party and the Democrats can actually learn to get along and get stuff done.  I'm pretty sure that it's going to be the same-old-same-old.  Depressing.

Last night I was watching Fox News and at one point EARLY on, they mentioned what would happen if it was a tie in the electoral college.  I missed part of it, but the gist I got was that the House would choose the president and the Senate would choose the VP.  We all know how the election turned out, but it got me wondering.....What would happen if this was the case all the time?  What if we HAD to choose one from each party?   I can hardly imagine what it would be like for Mitt to work daily with Biden or if Obama had Paul Ryan as his 2nd in command.

They'd be forced to *Gasp* work together.  What a concept!

Maybe they should do that all the time.  Have an Election with the candidates separated....imagine choosing Obama without Biden or Romney without Ryan....hmmmm.

Makes ya think, doesn't it?

In the meantime, I can only pray and hope that Washington D.C learns to work together......but I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Night thoughts


Cannot believe Obama won again.  Hello!?!  Do I love with idiots in this country?  The economy sucks, there's the whole Libya fiasco, and yet he is still elected.


Friday, November 2, 2012

I voted early, now give me my sticker

I have never done an absentee ballet before for an election.  Call me a nerd, but I like going in on Election Day and casting my vote in person.  There's something about being around other like-minded individuals who, although they may be voting differently than me, are still exercising their right to vote. Well, if you're in the U.S you are painfully aware of how close this race is between Romney and Obama.  I say painfully because, if you're like me, you've gotten piles of campaign mail shoved in your mailbox, and are downright done with the ads on TV.  Anyway, the experts are saying it is a very close race and will be of historic nature.

Translation:  It will be hella busy come Tuesday at the polls.

I decided to go in early and vote absentee.  I had some second thoughts at one point and almost chickened out.  I remembered how in elections past, absentee ballets had gone missing.  Nothing would piss me off more than if I voted early and then they lost ballets.  But, I am a relatively trusting soul so and I really did not want to stand in line on Tuesday for any amount of time.

I gotta say, it was super easy.  I went to the City Hall a little after 9am this morning and there was no line.  They had 3 voting booths set up and there was a gentleman registering to vote, and about 3 other people in the process of voting but it was all very smooth and I only waited about 2 minutes.  The only real difference I noticed between voting early and on Election Day was that after I was done filling out my ballet, I had to put it in an envelope and seal it up.  Then, I gave it back to one of the workers.

I think early voting is going to be HUGE this election.  Today was the last day to do it, but I know of at least a handful of people who have done it that I know personally.  It certainly was nice not to have to wait around and it was also great to avoid lines.

I may vote early every year!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Day 1

If you're on Facebook you've noticed the annual "Thankful Lists" have popped up.   The gist is that every day you post something you're thankful for.  Well, I don't really see me doing it every day but I'm going to try and blog about things I'm thankful for.   My blog can be pretty pathetic and depressing and sometimes it's good to just remind myself of the blessings in my life.

So, today I am thankful for a good humane society.  Yes, you read that right.  Last week we adopted a cute little baby kitten to be a playmate for our 2 year old fat cat, Polly.   Well, the kitten (who still has no name) went to the vet Monday and he noticed one of her eyes was teary.  Instead of doing anything,  he just told me to monitor it.     Well, it got worse, her appetite decreased, and I was really nervous that she would give it to our other cat.  

I phoned the pound where we got her and they were SO helpful.  The lady on the phone, Lisa, explained everything so carefully and took the time to listen to my concerns.  We ended up deciding to take her back to the shelter where she will have treatment for free and this way she will be in isolation from other cats.  I was so sad becuase if she had stayed here, she would have been quarantined to a very small bathroom which would have been horrible for her.

Short and sweet, but hey....there ya go.  I'm thankful for kind Lisa at the Humane Shelter and the great staff there who are taking care of our sweetie pie until she can come back home with us!